About Me

Hi, my name is Chris and I write under the pen name Jason River, which I got from modifying the name of a dear friend of mine. I figured that River is an uncommon surname so to me it's cool. Jason River sounds cool. :-)

I am an online publisher who is interested in that disease which in the past was not given a health priority and not very much noticed -- celiac disease. Celiac disease is known to occur in women more than in men. It causes what is called gluten intolerance.

I am also interested in other topics that may be of unique help, especially in health-related issues. I took up Chemical engineering in college and am familiar with organic chemical substances. The issues related to women seem to have more weight on me when I make postings such as this.

I also do postings related to massage therapy and am planning to do more research on signs and symptoms of health problems.

It is clear that with the advent of modern medical technology, we are discovering more and more diseases which in the past were completely unknown. Take for example, AIDS and HIV. Who can tell if it had been in existence long before its discovery in 1981. You see, the discovery of something is completely independent of its existence. When Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, It was only in the 1400's yet the North and South American continents have been in existence long before that.

Hence, it's the same with diseases such as AIDS and Celiac disease. We don't know for sure if they have been afflicting mankind for centuries or millenniums before they were discovered by medical researchers and doctors.

These and other facts of life are what make me wonder. It is very interesting to know if AIDS has been with the ancient people or not. Ancient civilizations don't have a way of knowing it, for sure.

I am interested also in Christianity and the ancient peoples of the Bible, particularly the ancient Hebrews because they were the only ones who have made a detailed history of their lives. Relating this to diseases which we only come to have recently, I'm interested whether or not AIDS have been with the ancients in those times.

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